Biocybernetics lab

Polly Vacher 184 on Mon 08-11-2021

Part 1:

Use matlab to draw some Lissajou curves. These are parametric equations of the form

\[ x_1=A_1\sin(\omega_1 t-\delta_1) \]\[ x_2=A_2\sin(\omega_2 t-\delta_2) \]

set up t to be a vector

>> t=0:.05:50;

Choose some values for $A$, $\omega$ and $\delta$ and plot. You might as well set $A_1=1$, $\omega_1=1$ and $\delta_1=0$. Decide if you would like to use radians in which case

>> plot(sin(t),A2*sin(omega2*t+delta2))

or degrees

>> plot(sind(t),A2*sind(omega2*t+delta2))

You can also try a three dimensional Lissanjou curve so that

>> plot3(sin(t),A2*sin(omega2*t+delta2),A3*sin(omega3*t+delta3))

Part 2: first order systems

Use matlab to plot out some first order systems. Try positive and negative values for alpha

>> t=0:.1:10;
>> alpha=choose a value (positive and/or negative)
>> y=exp(alpha*t);
>> plot(t,exp(alpha*t))


>> hold on

to plot multiple values then free the plot with

>> hold off

Do a numerical integration of the equation

\[ \dot{y}=\alpha y \]>> mystatespacefn=@(t,x) alpha*x;
>> [tp,yp]=ode45(mystatespacefn,[0 10],1.1);
>> plot(tp,yp,t,y)

With alpha set to a negative value, plot out the function

\[ y=(1-e^{ \alpha t }) \]

Part 3:

More on numerical integration.

The equation for a simple pendulum with damping is

\[ 0=ml\ddot\theta+mg\sin\theta+B\dot\theta \]

where $m$ is the mass of the bob, $\theta$ is the angle between the gravity vector $g$ and the pendulum and $B$ is a linear term to represent friction and damping. The equation arises by summing all the forces that are applied to the bob.

To integrate the equation we need to first rewrite it with the highest differential as the dependent variable.

\begin{equation} \ddot\theta=-\frac{g}{l}\sin\theta-\frac{B}{ml}\dot\theta \end{equation}

To simplify things further we will set $\frac{g}{l}=1$, and write the equation in a statespace form, that is let

\begin{align*} x_1=\theta\\ x_2=\dot\theta \end{align*}

which means that

\begin{align*} \dot{x}_1=\dot\theta\\ \dot{x}_2=\ddot\theta \end{align*}

so we can write equation 1 in statespace form as

\[ \begin{bmatrix} \dot{x}_1\\ \dot{x}_2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_2\\ -\sin(x_1)-\frac{B}{ml}x_2 \end{bmatrix} \]>> Bom=.02;
>> mypendulumfn=@(t,x) [x(2);-sin(x(1))-Bom*x(2)];
>> [t,y]=ode45(mypendulumfn,[0 30],[icForTheta;icForThetadot]);

Put some values in for the initial conditions icFortheta;icForThetadot . See what plots you can make. Does the data make sense?

Some useful Matlab commands

Command typical use
help help command an alternative to google to find out about matlab commands
diary diary file/offkeeps a log. Useful to review what you did.
edit edit filename Try out live scripts (New/Live Script)
publish A good way to keep track of files e.g. publish('myfile','pdf'). Look for your output in the html directory
figure figure(number)
hold hold off hold on fix a figure so future plot commands do not start a new graph.
mesh mesh(X,Y,Z)